Men's Ministry
The Men's Ministry at the Oneonta Church of Christ is involved in all aspects of church life. We strive to provide a place where all can worship God in spirit and truth, and where men can serve God during this worship. Any Christian man can serve in different aspects of worship from leading prayer or songs, serving communion, and even presenting talks or sermons.
We understand that not everyone is comfortable being in front of a crowd, therefore this is not someone that anyone will be forced to do. However, we want to provide an opportunity for all men to serve God if they so desire. For anyone who is not comfortable serving during worship there are other ways in which you can serve God in the church. We would be glad to try and help you find your area of service so that you can grow and become stronger together with all the men in the church family.
The Men's Ministry at the Oneonta Church of Christ is involved in all aspects of church life. We strive to provide a place where all can worship God in spirit and truth, and where men can serve God during this worship. Any Christian man can serve in different aspects of worship from leading prayer or songs, serving communion, and even presenting talks or sermons.
We understand that not everyone is comfortable being in front of a crowd, therefore this is not someone that anyone will be forced to do. However, we want to provide an opportunity for all men to serve God if they so desire. For anyone who is not comfortable serving during worship there are other ways in which you can serve God in the church. We would be glad to try and help you find your area of service so that you can grow and become stronger together with all the men in the church family.